Overnight Street Parking


It is the intent of the City of Berkley to keep streets as clear as possible between the hours of 2:00 am and 5:00 am. Fewer vehicles on the street during these times allow for better street maintenance in the form of cleaning and snow removal. Clear streets promote crime deterrence and offer the Public Safety Department better visibility while conducting neighborhood patrols. 

The City also recognizes that not all parking situations are created equal and different family and residential situations exist, warranting overnight parking procedures that allow flexibility. In light of this, households with a demonstrated need to park their car in the street overnight between the hours of 2 and 5 AM now have the option to purchase an annual Overnight Parking Permit.

Permits cost $400 annually and the revenue raised from permit sales will be used to cover the cost of the program and to enhance, maintain, and expand public parking, including on-street parking.

CLICK HERE to apply for a permit. 

*NOTE*: Once you've completed and submitted the application, staff will contact you with an invoice for a non-refundable $25 application fee.

Just need a temporary permit? Click here to fill out the online form to park in the street for a temporary period, free of charge.

Overnight Parking FAQS

Click the document below for some FAQs about overnight parking and contact our Public Safety department if you have questions.